Archive for Category: Blog

Nepal Social Business Internship

Nepal’s Social Business Internship 2019

Nepal’s Social Business Internship 2019 Nine students from National Central University, Taiwan from various departments are in Nepal for Nepal Social Business Internship 2019, one of the programs of Yunus Social Business Centre’s, King’s College (YSBC). National Social Business Internship is a joint program felicitated by Yunus Social Business...

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Social Business Challenge

National Social Business Challenge 2018

National Social Business Challenge is an initiative of Yunus Social Business Centre Nepal, King’s college in collaboration with likeminded organizations promoting social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and job creation in Nepal to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The main objective of the program is to develop the basic insights, understanding and...

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Revive Old Clothes

Pushpa S thapit and Rajan Chakradhar are the minds behinds the creative creation of “Revive”.  The duo are currently MBA students at King’s College who always admire to be problem solver. Though Rajan has inherited the entrepreneurship aspect from his family plastic factory and was likely to join their...

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Waste Recyclers

Wealth in the Wastes: Waste Recyclers

Despite the fact that climate change has become the burning issue of the 21st century, very few people have come forward to tackle the problem. Among that few people, Bihal Koirala and Sajjan Md. Siddique, duo well-known public speaker, social and youth activist have attempted to manage the wastes...

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Whpedia won jury's choice

Tutors and Technology: Whpedia

Nepalese society is abundant with conservative thinking. To be called independent and employment, you have be to a government officer! To be a perfect son, daughter, father, mother, husband, wife, bride, groom and so on you have to be a government officer! Though among these traditional thinking, there are...

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